Shipping after payment
Terms of payment:
All payments are to be made via PayPal or Mangopay, depending on the possibilities offered by the seller. No payments are to be made by neither cheque, bank transfer nor cash directly to the seller.
The buyer uses the payment methods available on Delcampe on the page"My purchases : Awaiting payment".
A payment that is not sent through PayPal (if accepted by the seller) or Mangopay will be refunded by the seller to the buyer. An unpaid purchase may result in consequences to the buyer's account.
If the seller's sales conditions include additional clauses relating to payment, these are to be considered null and void. The payment conditions of the Delcampe website, as defined in the conditions of use, are the only ones applicable.
Purchases must be paid for within 14 days of receipt of the final statement from the seller.
Portkosten nationaal (genormaliseerde zending): 2,27 euro.
Portkosten internationaal (genormaliseerde zending): 2,78 euro (Europa).
Portkosten rest van de wereld (genormaliseerde zending): 3,00 euro (Wereld).
Indien aangetekend (nationaal & internationaal): volgens huidige posttarieven.
Elke koper wordt gevraagd een kleine commissie te betalen. Betalen kan ook via overschrijving.
Frais de port national: 2,27 euro.
Frais de port international: 2,78 euro (Europe)
Frais de port monde: 3,00 euro (Monde).
Recommandé (national/international): selon les tarifs courants.
Il faut ajouter une petite compensation. Vous pouvez me payer par virement bancaire.
Shipment costs (national): 2,27 euro.
Shipment costs (international): 2,78 euro (Europe).
Shipment costs (world): 3,00 euro (World).
Shipment by recommanded letter: following actual costs.
I need to ask you a small commission fee. You can also pay me by bank account.