Frais de port normal, (JUSQU'À 20 GRAMMES) avec courrier prioritaire Europe et Méditerranée 5,00 euros, Amériques Afrique et Asie 6,00 euros, Océanie 7,00 euros, aux risques et périls de l'acheteur, dans ce cas il n'y a pas de remboursement.
Envois de plus de 40 lots ou de plus de 20,00 euros de valeur, envoi recommander obligatoire.
ne payer rien avant de recevoir ma facture
la posta prioritaria è a rischio dell'acquierente, non rimborso la posta prioritaria persa.
La posta raccomandata con codice tracciabile per l'ITALIA 5,00 fino a 20 grammi-- 6,45 euro da 20 a 50 grammi --- 6,90 euro da 50 a 100 grammi. fino a 20 g - The Italian postal rates are updated to January 2020 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traceable recommended for EUROPE EURO 7,10 standard weight of 20.00 grams - EURO 9,50 from 20.00 to 50.00 grams - EURO 10,55 from 50.00 to 100.00 grams - EURO 12,70 from 100.00 to 250.00 grams - EURO 14,25 from 250.00 to 350.00 grams - EURO 19,35 from 350, 00 to 1000.00 grams -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Italian postal rates, are updated to January 2020 ----- Traceability recommended for ASIA - AFRICA - NORTH AMERICAS EURO 8,40 euro standard weight of 20.00 grams - EURO 10,85 from 20.00 at 50.00 grams - EURO 12,00 from 50.00 to 100.00 grams - EURO 16,50 from 100.00 to 250.00 grams - EUR 18,65 from 250.00 to 350.00 grams - EUR 26,90 from 350.00 to 1000.00 grams -------------------------------------The Italian postal rates, are updated to January 2020 ----- Traceability recommended for AUSTRALIA - OCEANIA EURO 9,05 standard weight of 20.00 grams - EURO 11.90 from 20.00 to 50.00 grams - - EURO 13.55 from 50.00 to 100.00 grams - EURO 17,95 from 100.00 to 250.00 grams - EURO 23,90 from 250.00 to 350.00 grams - EURO 35,90 from 350.00 to 1000.00 grams.
Merci de lire attentivement les conditions ci-dessous
Thank you for reading attentively the condititions
Condizioni particolari:
il pagamento esclusivamente con pay pall o alternativa, tramite ibam bancario, ma solo per eccezzioni, se l acquirente non possiede pay pall ... a concepimento di favore.------------------------------------------------- le paiement exclusivement avec paypal ou alternatif, par l'intermédiaire de la banque iban, mais seulement pour des exceptions, si l'acheteur n'a pas de solde ... à la conception de la faveur.-------------------------------------------the payment exclusively with paypal or alternative, through bank iban, but only for exceptions, if the buyer does not have a pay pall ... to conception of favor.
Merci de lire attentivement les conditions ci-dessous
Thank you for reading attentively the conditions below
- PAYPAL (lettre en recommandée uniquement / registered mail only-et prioritymail avec un code alphanumerique tracable à la frontière italienne)