Orders under $500 to USA - $2. Orders $500 or more to USA - $10. Orders $5000 or more to USA - $22
Orders under $500 to most other countries - $2 for stamps (weight less than 1 oz [28gm]). $4 for larger items such as proofs. $1 each additional oz (28gm). Orders $500 or more to other countries - $25 additional to above. All orders to the following countries will be sent by registered mail at an additional cost of $25 - India, SE Asia, South America, Central America, Caribbean, Middle East (except Israel), all of Africa. This list is not all-inclusive - please ask if there are any questions. You can request non-registered shipping for any or all of the above, but in that case we are not responsible for loss in the mail. All orders, except as noted previously, protected by private insurance. Customs label (if required) to foreign countries will state "Documents" with value under $50.
Condizioni particolari:
Hello, this is France International. We specialize in topical and thematic rarities from around the world. We have been in business for more than 30 years, and have a mail bid auction approximately every 6 months. We have over 30,000 items online at our website https://www.stampsbythemes.com searchable by topic or country. Types of material we sell are original artwork, proofs, imperforates, errors, postal stationery, telegrams, meter cancelations, specimens, maximum cards, fancy cancels, etc.