Metodi di pagamento:

Because new Paypal policies I cannot accept payments using it for items from Cuba, Iran, Ivory Coast, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen and Zimbabwe. Sorry for that



Buyers that choose not to have purchases registered are responsible for loss, theft, or damage. Please don't ask for a refund if you decide not to pay for registration.


Always the same cost for a single shipping, no matter the number of items bought! I always send a cover with stamps and with the value of about what you pay for the S&H.


Sempre o mesmo custo para um único envio, independentemente do número de lotes comprados! O envelope é sempre enviado com selos.



Price/Tarif/Preço euro (€)


Shipping & Handling Portugal - Europe  - Monde / World- USA

Small envelope - 20 g 1,60€  - 2,25€ - 2,50€ - 2,60€

Larger or 20 to 100 g 1,95 € - 2,95€ - 3,60€ - 3,90€

Registered Mail

Portugal - Europe - Monde /World - USA

Small envelope - 20 g 3,50€ - 5,95€ - 5,95€ - 6,75€

Larger or 20 to 50 g 3,75€ - 6,45€ - 6,65 € - 7,95€

Larger 50 less 100grs 3,95€ - 6,85€ - 6,95€ - 8,45 €

If you are not sure about weight, Please ask that information

NOTICE: For shipping with more that 100grs (about 4oz) please wait for the final price



Shipping after payment


Payable by the buyer


Payable by the buyer


Seller country, Europe, North America, Central America, South America, Asia, Africa, Oceania


Money back if not satisfied

To find out about the return and refund time for the item, please see the Delcampe Charter.

Specific conditions



Please go to my store to find more items

When description does´t match with scan, please follow the scan information (except cancel in some FDC)

Visite SFF a minha loja para outros itens

Quando a descrição não coincide com a figura, siga sff a figura (excepto carimbos nos Sobrescritos de 1º Dia)

Always the same cost for a single shipping, no matter the number of items bought! I always send a cover with stamps and with the value of about you pay for the S&H.

Sempre o mesmo custo para um único envio, independentemente do número de lotes comprados! O envelope é sempre enviado com selos.

Unless the item is registered I cannot assume responsibility for lost or mistreated items. Expensive shippings will probably have only the registration option.

Não posso assumir qualquer responsabilidade por lotes extraviados ou danificados se o envio não for registado. Envios dispendiosos provavelmente apenas terão a opção de envio registado.

Everything I sell I try to describe as accurately as possible. If something is not as you expected, just use contact option and we will find a solution.

Tento descrever da melhor maneira possível tudo o que vendo. Mas se alguma coisa não corresponde às expectativas, por favor use a opção de contacto e encontraremos uma solução.

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