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Alle betalingen worden gedaan via PayPal of Mangopay, afhankelijk van de mogelijkheden die de verkoper biedt. Er worden geen betalingen gedaan per cheque of directe overschrijving aan de verkoper.
De koper gebruikt de middelen die Delcampe ter beschikking stelt in de pagina "Mijn aankopen: Betalen".
Een betaling die niet via PayPal (indien geaccepteerd door de verkoper) of Mangopay verloopt, wordt door de verkoper aan de koper terugbetaald. Een onbetaalde aankoop kan gevolgen hebben voor de rekening van de koper.
Als de verkoopvoorwaarden van de verkoper clausules bevatten met betrekking tot de betaling, moeten deze als nietig worden beschouwd. De betalingsvoorwaarden van de website van Delcampe, zoals gedefinieerd in de gebruiksvoorwaarden, zijn de enige die van toepassing zijn.
Aankopen moeten worden betaald binnen 14 dagen na ontvangst van de eindafrekening van de verkoper.
Bijzondere voorwaarden
We've been collectors for four decades.(40 years plus) the coins we selling are all authentic and the pictures are realistic about the product you are buying. We usually ship within 3-5 business days the products you purchased from the day of clearing your payments to our bank account. If you have any questions, please contact us
please make your payments within 10 business days (14 days). if you do not, we have the right to cancel your purchase please read this before you buy from us. we do not accept returns if you do not first contact us. it is at our disposal to accept or not a non-refundable item if you do not agree not to buy from us
Our prices are tailored to suit and demand, as well as from commercial but also from our suppliers. If you have an inferiorly priced at our prices you can inform us with a message and we will look at your suit and one is good for us we will accept it. We only accept bank transfer we do not charge any commissions or charge you for any transaction attention pls if your want pay via paypal payment we accept only friends and family payment
attention please: Due to impose applicable in Greece for if you buy gold coins from us they will send them after 10 working days upon confirmation of your payment from delcampe pay to our bank account.
Finally, any parcel that has not been requested by the customer and returned to the business as unclaimed may be re-sent to the customer. In this case, the customer must contact the business and explain why he has not received the parcel. If the justification is justified, the parcel with the order is re-sent. In this case, the customer will be charged again with shipping costs.
you are responsible for any customs expenses incurred in your country in accordance with the customs laws of your country, this applies to countries outside the European Union.
Please pay attention to our mailing terms We send registered value letters for how much purchases are over 40 euros to countries receiving registered value letters. If your country does not receive a letter of value stated how much compensation you are entitled to is 20 euros if lost or stolen or damage according to the charter of the Greek Post Office and you will return it to you after 60 days of applying for a search from the sender. Please do not buy from us if you do not agree with these sera