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Alle betalingen worden gedaan via PayPal of Mangopay, afhankelijk van de mogelijkheden die de verkoper biedt. Er worden geen betalingen gedaan per cheque of directe overschrijving aan de verkoper.
De koper gebruikt de middelen die Delcampe ter beschikking stelt in de pagina "Mijn aankopen: Betalen".
Een betaling die niet via PayPal (indien geaccepteerd door de verkoper) of Mangopay verloopt, wordt door de verkoper aan de koper terugbetaald. Een onbetaalde aankoop kan gevolgen hebben voor de rekening van de koper.
Als de verkoopvoorwaarden van de verkoper clausules bevatten met betrekking tot de betaling, moeten deze als nietig worden beschouwd. De betalingsvoorwaarden van de website van Delcampe, zoals gedefinieerd in de gebruiksvoorwaarden, zijn de enige die van toepassing zijn.
Aankopen moeten worden betaald binnen 14 dagen na ontvangst van de eindafrekening van de verkoper.
There is a way to get discount: 1) Delcampe charges commission (the current rate is 0.30 Euro) per item sold/listing, thus it is more expensive for low-priced items. You can send us a list of the items that you are interested and we can create a single listing just for you. The more items you buy this way, the more you save because buyers only have to pay the commission once. For example, if you buy 20 individual items, you are supposed to pay 0.30 Euro x 20 = 6 Euro. If we combine these 20 items and create a single listing for you, the commission that you pay is only 0.30 Euro (instead of 6 Euro)! The saving will help you to pay for the shipping and handling fee, don't you think?
2) Paypal Pay using Paypal but it must be via Personal Payment type. You must log on to your Paypal account and pay from there instead of via Delcampe. This payment type is not charged to a credit card, but deducted from Paypal balance. Usually sellers who receive payments have Paypal balance. Also, buyers who transfer their money from a bank account to their Paypal account have Paypal balance as well.
First, you should check whether you can send Personal payments. After clicking Send Money, you should notice there is a tab for Online purchase. Check whether you have another tab -- Personal payments. Please make sure to select Personal payments. You will then be asked the question: "This money is being sent as a: Gift, Payment Owed, Living Expense, Others?". Please select either Payment Owed or Others. Paypal will charge you minimal fees, 1-5% but the discounts we give you should be more than enough to cover this Paypal fees.
Shipping and handling for common items (registered airmail): Normal airmail is not available right now because of mail theft. The thief is likely a postal staff who works in local post office. Normal airmail is not offered even though buyer is willing to take the risk because the probability of mail theft is still high even after steps have been made to combat it.
Asia Pacific
Europe, America, Middle East, Africa
Singles or sets (Up to 30 grams, 3.5" x 6" envelope)
4.95 Euro
5.50 Euro
6.00 Euro
Miniature sheets (Up to 40 grams, 4.25" x 6.25" envelope)
5.50 Euro
6.10 Euro
6.70 Euro
FDC (Up to 80 grams, 5" x 10" envelope)
7.70 Euro
8.55 Euro
9.55 Euro
FDC pair (Up to 90 grams, 5" x 10" envelope)
8.30 Euro
9.20 Euro
10.25 Euro
Full sheets (9" x 12.75" envelope)
11.80 Euro
13.00 Euro
14.50 Euro
Customer will be charged registered airmail. No extra charge for additional items. Registered mail can be tracked online if this feature is provided by postal authority in your country. Not responsible for mail lost. Registered mail only offers limited compensation.